


Moehler, Devra C. (2008) Distrusting Democrats: Outcomes of Participatory Constitution-Making. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.


Moehler, Devra C. and Douglas Allen. (2016) “The Media Diet Imbalance Score: A Measure of Aggregate Media Diet.”  Communication Methods and Measures, 10(1): 4-12.

Moehler, Devra C. and Jeffrey Conroy-Krutz. (2016) “Eyes on the Ballot: Priming Effects and Ethnic Voting in the Developing World.”  Electoral Studies, 42: 99-113.

Conroy-Krutz, Jeffrey, Devra C. Moehler, and Rosario Aguilar. (2016) “Partisan Cues and Vote Choice in New Multiparty Systems.”  Comparative Political Studies, 49(1): 3-35.

Moehler, Devra C. and Jeffrey Conroy-Krutz. (2016) “Partisan Media and Engagement: A Field Experiment in a Newly Liberalized System.”  Political Communication, 33(3): 414-32.

American Political Science Association (APSA) Experimental Research Section Best Paper Award

APSA Comparative Politics Section Sage Best Paper Award, Honorable Mention

Conroy-Krutz, Jeffrey and Devra C. Moehler. (2015) “Moderation from Bias: A Field Experiment on Partisan Media in a New Democracy.”  Journal of Politics, 77(2): 575-87.

International Communication Association (ICA) Political Communication Section Best Article Award

Journal of Politics Best Article Award

Duncan, Felicity, Devra C. Moehler and Laura Silver. (2015) “Pro- and Anti-Americanism in Sub- Saharan Africa.” International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27(2): 220-243.

Moehler, Devra C. and Naunihal Singh. (2011) “Whose News Do You Trust? Explaining Trust in Private Versus Public Media in Africa.” Political Research Quarterly, 64(2): 276–292.

Leonard, David K., et al. (2010) “Does Patronage Still Drive Politics for the Rural Poor in the Developing World? A Comparative Perspective from the Livestock Sector.”  Development and Change, 41(3): 475–494.

Moehler, Devra C. (2010) “Democracy, Governance, and Randomized Development Assistance.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 628(1): 30–46.

Moehler, Devra C. and Staffan I. Lindberg. (2009)  “Narrowing the Legitimacy Gap: Turnovers as a Cause of Democratic Consolidation.” Journal of Politics, 71(4): 1448–1466.

Moehler, Devra C. (2009) “Critical Citizens and Submissive Subjects: Election Losers and Winners in Africa.” British Journal of Political Science, 39(2): 345–366.

Moehler, Devra C. (2007) “Participation in Transition: Mobilizing Ugandans in Constitution Making.” Studies in Comparative International Development, 42(2): 164–190.

Moehler, Devra C. (2006) “Public Participation and Support for the Constitution in Uganda.” Journal of Modern African Studies, 44(2): 275–308.

Book Chapters and Report

Moehler, Devra C. (2012) “Critical Citizens and Submissive Subjects: Election Losers and Winners in Africa.” In Voting and Democratic Citizenship in Africa, ed M. Bratton. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Moehler, Devra C. (2011) “Participatory Constitution Making in Uganda.” In Accountability through Public Opinion: From Inertia to Public Action. S. Odugbemi and T. Lee. Washington, DC: World Bank, 235-254.

Moehler, Devra C. (2013) “Democracy, Governance and Randomised Media Assistance.” BBC Media Action Bridging Theory and Practice Research Dissemination Series, Working Paper Issue 4.